Dear residents and partners,

We’d like to start this week’s update with a reminder that from Monday 15 June passengers will need to wear a face covering on public transport. Exemptions to the rule include young children, disabled people and those with breathing difficulties. The government has issuedadvice on face coverings and also updated its FAQs as to what you can and cannot do at this time of the outbreak – please take a look.

Continuing on the theme of transport, this week we announced that the government has awarded a £9.8million boost for improving West Sussex Highways’ road network. This is on top of the £8million worth of road resurfacing/pothole prevention works already planned for this financial year.

We have another important transport update below which you should read if you have a bus pass, or know someone who has.

Next week we will start to see more activity on our high streets and in our town centres as non-essential shops begin to re-open. Like every part of the UK, our county’s businesses and economy have been badly impacted by coronavirus. Please help support your local place by shopping local and helping West Sussex not only recover, but thrive again.

Finally, looking back at Volunteers’ Week, we’d just like to say another HUGE thank you to everyone who has responded to COVID-19 to help others. We’ve been physically apart, but the county’s coming together has been amazing.

Keep safe and thank you for your continued support.

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